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About SAC


The Student Advisory Council (SAC) is a credible and sought-after resource that represents the voice and sentiment of the BYU student body. SAC collaborates with BYU students, faculty, administration, and staff to improve the overall BYU student experience.


  • Strengthen student voice - students' ideas and expressed opinions are acknowledged, advocated for, and acted upon as a result of student outreach, inclusion collaboration, meaningful research, and civil discourse
  • Increase student knowledge - students' understanding is informed through research, policy study, and interactions with the BYU students, faculty, administration, and staff
  • Increase student perspective - students' viewpoints are enlightened as a result of dialogue and discourse with fellow students and BYU faculty, administrators, and staff


SAC meets on Tuesdays and Thursday during Fall and Winter from 4 - 4:50 in room 5519 of the Wilkinson Center. The class is open to any students who wish to attend. Contact for more information.


SAC is made up of:

  • 2 Representatives from each academic college
  • 1 Representative from each non-academic department/interest group (i.e. ROTC, Women's Resources, CAPS, etc.)
  • 4 At-Large Representatives